P&C News



As we approach the end of Term 2, we’ve got a few end of term P&C updates and events to share with you all!

Recent news

This term, the P&C has:

  • Held two general meetings.

  • Arranged a BBQ for 50ish volunteers that came to help out at our school’s Busy Bee morning a few weeks ago.

  • Paid for the DJ at last week’s disco so that the year 6s could maximise their fundraising efforts!

  • Started organising a movie night for our school community, to be held in November.

Dianella Diamonds Final assembly morning tea – Wednesday 28 June

The P&C will be opening up the Hive after the Dianella Diamonds finale performance (Wednesday 28th June) for any parents who would like to join us for morning tea.  If you plan on coming along, please bring a plate of food to share – we will provide the tea and coffee!

If you are unsure of where the Hive is, a P&C committee member will direct you after the assembly.

Free dress day – Last day of term 2!

The P&C will be running a Free Dress Day fundraiser next Friday, on the last day of term. Please bring a gold coin donation to join in the fun! (There will be donation collection containers in each classroom).

School holiday art competition

This school holidays, the P&C are holding an art competition to find some artworks to showcase at the P&C Conference in Term 3!

Any student who would like to enter should draw or paint a masterpiece to show us what they love most about Dianella Primary College! All artworks should be returned (with their name and classroom on the artwork) to their teacher during the first week of Term 3 to be in the draw to win one of TEN arty prizes!

Any students that would like to enter the art competition may collect paper from their classroom teacher.

Donation request

This year, the P&C is hoping to help the school with the purchase of a stage for the assembly area, amongst other resources to enrich our children’s learning environment. To help us achieve this goal, we will be running a father’s day raffle on the day of the Faction Carnival, and another raffle to celebrate the end of an wonderful school year!

We’d like to call on any business owners in our school community, to see if there are any suitable goods or services that you might be happy to donate to the P&C’s fundraising efforts. Alternatively, we would greatly appreciate any financial donation to the P&C. We will, of course, acknowledge your generosity through the various P&C platforms: our Facebook page, at the event your donation is contributed to, and in our P&C handbook.  

If you’d like to contribute / donate, please get in touch with us at: pcdianella@gmail.com

Facebook group

Finally, here’s a reminder that the P&C has a private Facebook group where we post regular updates about what the P&C is up to. If you would like to join, you can scan the QR code on one of the posters up around the school, or find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/599768341483609

Kind Regards

Dianella PC P&C Committee

Anthony Middleton