Family Well-Being Afternoon

Dear Families

This Thursday, 2nd November, from 3.15 - 4.45 pm, we will be holding a Family Well-Being Afternoon. Each of the classroom and specialist teachers have designed an activity specifically for our students to encourage a healthy, active lifestyle. Activities will include healthy eating (making your own snacks and lunches), resilience building, fitness and personal hygiene. 

Students with families will meet on the basketball court from 3pm, to gather a show bag, grab some watermelon and their passport before making their way around the different activities. 

Please note that the activities are designed for students and families, if parents/carers are not able to attend tomorrow afternoon, students will go home as normal at 3pm.  Students will wait at the front of the school as normal to be collected. 

Although there are two sets of activities, junior and senior, all students will need to stay with their family whilst moving around the activities. Families with both junior and senior students will be able to take students to all activities. Some activities, such as tooth care and food making are planned for all students. Families with just junior students are to visit the junior activities only and families with senior students are to visit the senior activities only. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow for what promises to be a very informative and interactive afternoon. 

Kind regards

Anthony Middleton 

Anthony Middleton