End of Term


On Tuesday evening we held our Year 6 Graduation event. The evening was very successful, with the students presenting their farewell speeches and performances with confidence and poise. Congratulations to all of our Yr 6 award winners. The full list of award recipients is below, along with some photos from the evening. The teaching staff will make all graduation photos from the event available on Connect. Big thank you to our dedicated and hard working Yr 6 staff for coordinating the event, without your efforts the evening would not have been possible; thank you, Miss Coppins, Ms Ash, Miss Oliver and Mrs Chia. Big thank you to Mrs Vince nd Mrs Gullick for their support in coordinating.

Book Awards Assembly

Yesterday we held our final assembly for the year and recognised some of our outstanding students with our end of year book awards. Congratulations to all of our very worthy award winners. Our teaching staff always find it very difficult to pick one or two students, as there is so many hard working and worthy students across the school. Please see the full list of award winners below and photos from the event. On the day the Parents and Citizens also drew the winning tickets for their end of year raffle. Congratulations to all of the winners who have been notified.

2024 Student Leaders

Congratulations to the following students who have been elected to our 202 student leadership team.

  • Ella H

  • Nara S

  • Tobgay G

  • Yusuf A

Class Lists

2024 class list are now displayed outside room 4.

Staff Changes

At this time of the year for a number of reasons we often say farewell to a number of staff. Mrs Sandra Mitchell and Mrs Angelina Djukanovic have both retired. Mrs Mitchell has worked at DPC since 2002 and Mrs Djukanovic joined us in 2005. Thank you Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Djukanovic for your significant contribution to our students education over such long periods of time. On behalf of the Dianella Primary College community, I would like to wish you both all the best for your retirement.

Mrs Hill will also be leaving us at the end of the year as she is returning to her substantive position at Darlington Primary. Mrs Hill has been an amazing asset to our school over the past four years and her commitment and love of teaching in the early years will be missed. We are also saying farewell to Mrs Chia and Mrs Valls Platero who for family reasons are moving away from Perth. Thank you both for all of your hard work and efforts over the years.


On behalf of all of the staff of Dianella Primary College, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of students and families a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I hope that everyone finds the time to spend time doing activities they love. I hope that all of our students spend as much time outdoors as possible and don’t spend all of their break watching TV or playing video games - get outside and enjoy our beautiful environment! For all of those families that celebrate Christmas, I wish you a festive and enjoyable day spending time with family and friends. Merry Christmas.

To all of our families that are leaving us at the end of the year due to graduations or moving from the area, we wish you all the best in Secondary School or at your new primary. Students will return to school on Wednesday 31 January. Enjoy your holidays.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton

Anthony Middleton