
Inquiry Skills Rubric

Inquiry Skills Rubric

Inquiry Skills Rubric

I created the Inquiry Skills Rubric to help adapt my science program to the ISTAR teaching model. It enabled me to provide students, even in split classes, with a clear WILF (What I'm Looking For) for each of the Inquiry Skills, during investigations.

Using the SCSA Science Judging Standards as a basic framework, the gaps in the rubric have been filled using information in the WA Science Curriculum (K-10), Brightpath Assessment, Primary Connections and the Science Scope & Sequence.

Student Assessment rubric

In order to replace the Science Judging Standards for assessment of student progress, the Inquiry Skills Rubric was modified to provide a student tracking sheet, which is used to record individual student progress, in the Science Inquiry Skills, as they progress through the primary years.

Student Inquiry Rubric

Student Inquiry Rubric

IEC Assessment Rubric

IEC Assessment Rubric

IEC assessment rubric

The planning focus of the Intensive English Centre (IEC) program are the Science Understanding content areas, along with six Inquiry Skills which can be adapted to the IEC context. This rubric allows individual student records of content areas covered and inquiry skill development, irrespective of their time of entry and exit to the IEC program.